
Salvage and Reutilization vs. Destruction and Waste

It pains us to see valuable things go to waste, but it becomes a crime when you pollute the earth in the process. Our mission is to be part of the solution to the environmental issues that are clearly becoming dangerous for our planet. We have assumed the responsibility to let it start with us. If we all do our part in helping to relieve the stress and environmental impacts on the land, we can make a difference.

Many people believe that it costs too much money to recycle. But really, isn’t that a self-centered point of view. Yes, we can throw something away at what appears to be little to no cost now, but what becomes of the earth when the land fills increase and pollute the ground, which leaches into the ecosystem? The costs then become exponential, in fact incalculable.

At Trails End Recovery, our methods are simple but effective.

GOAL #1 – Touch the material as little as possible and don’t contaminate the biomass with dirt.

Where possible, we perform on-the-job site grinding to convert removed materials into wood chips, which we truck to local saw mills. There, the product is “cleanly” burned as an alternative fuel source in modern steam generating boilers. The alternative to wood generated steam is to burn openly in the woods. This means that heat energy is wasted while also releasing carbons, polluting the atmosphere. When a slash pile is burned it is similar to burning oil which releases tons of hydrocarbons into the air.

In the rare case that on-the-job site material conversion is not possible or practical, the materials processing is performed at our local facility in Warrenton. Demolition & land clearing debris, stumps, asphalt, concrete, roofing material, scrap metal, sheet rock, and much more, are ground into other usable products for local consumption.

This solution to a growing problem is better for the environment and our state highways. The payback for this kind of thinking is both immediate & long-term for everything and everyone concerned. Our customers, the surrounding communities and the local economy all benefit from fewer trucking miles driven, local employment opportunities, less pollution and in most cases lower product pricing.